Though my day today is as occupied as ever but I just could not keep myself from writing this account of my dream last night. It seemed so real and wierd at the same time that its still haunting me!
It began with me reading an email that talked about so
me box (may be a treasure) lying buried near a well at my in laws native home in Deoghar (a place near Ranchi).
Keeping abreast with the interesting facts that I have started with, I would like to add that this email was from a relative of mine. I forgot about this email totally (in my dreams) and after a few days this relative passed away. As per Hindu traditions the rituals for the dead last for 13 days. The same was going on in our house and every possible relative had come to join in. I was sitting among them and suddenly the entire email got printed on my palm! Then there was warning message which said that I was supposed to go look for 3 "link people" at Deoghar who had a clue about this box. I was given a time line to finish this job and then imprints on my palm vanished.
It began with me reading an email that talked about so

Keeping abreast with the interesting facts that I have started with, I would like to add that this email was from a relative of mine. I forgot about this email totally (in my dreams) and after a few days this relative passed away. As per Hindu traditions the rituals for the dead last for 13 days. The same was going on in our house and every possible relative had come to join in. I was sitting among them and suddenly the entire email got printed on my palm! Then there was warning message which said that I was supposed to go look for 3 "link people" at Deoghar who had a clue about this box. I was given a time line to finish this job and then imprints on my palm vanished.
I then found myself sleeping in my bed in the room where I spent my child hood i.e. in Patna the capital of Bihar. I opened my eyes in the middle of my sleep and saw this dead relative standing in front of my bed with a look that scared me to no ends. Then I got kicked!
It was no one else but my toddler son Ansh who had "escaped" from his quilt and was sleeping with his feet on my face! I tucked him back in the quilt and went off to sleep again hoping for the dream to continue but it never came back yet haunted me till morning!